


Booklet “Let’s Prevent Life-Style Related Diseases”

Life-Style Related Diseases are caused by individual preferences or bad personal habits.

This booklet describes typical life-style related diseases from which middle aged and older people are susceptible, and explains the symptoms, onset mechanisms, future risks and preventive measures for those diseases. The booklet comes in Japanese, English and Tagalog, and copies of it have been distributed to the vessels of member shipping companies.

Foreign-Language Medical Phrase Handbook

JSMAC Provides a wide range of medical phrase books, in languages ranging from Japanese to English/Spanish, to English/Tagalog, to English/Indonesian and to Korean/Chinese. These handy phrase books can be used by ships’ crewmembers seeking medical assistance overseas, and provide useful medical expressions as well as Q & A material with corresponding translations. Distributed to all member vessels, these phrase books have proven to be an invaluable communications aid for doctors and patients alike.

Booklet “Mental Relaxation”

In order for every seamen to be in good condition, the booklet which provides a guide to mental health, has been prepared both in English and Japanese and distributed to all vessels of member shipping companies.

Manual for Handling Onboard Medication

Available in both Japanese and English, the manual is intended to help crew members understand the proper use and management of medicines kept aboard ship.
It has been distributed to all vessels of member shipping companies.

Booklet "Guideline for Rapid Response to Pandemic Influenza"

The Japanese and English editions of a guide book containing measures to prevent Pandemic Influenza and responses to an infected individual who has just been found have been published and distributed to all vessels of member shipping companies.
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